Keston Church of England Primary School

Religious Education and Worldviews

Religious Education is given high priority within our school and forms part of our core curriculum. Children are given many opportunities for individual reflection and encouraged to ask deep and meaningful questions. The curriculum explores Christianity in depth, as a living religion at the heart of our community and relates to the values, attitudes, relationships and aspirations that we promote within the wider school community. However, children also develop a clear understanding of the beliefs, practices and traditions of other principal religions and world views including Islam, Judaism, Hinduism and Sikhism. We aim that Children from all faiths, and none, enjoy engaging, inspiring and academically rigorous, Religious Education lessons which relate to real life experiences. The RE curriculum is intrinsic to the outworking of our Christian vision in enabling all pupils to ‘shine’. In addition, the RE curriculum contributes to British values and spiritual moral social and cultural development. The school follows the Rochester Diocesan Education syllabus for primary schools. Supported by the Understanding Christianity syllabus.  

Collective worship time is not included in the allocation for RE.  

Click here to view the whole-school Long Term Plan for RE.