Keston Church of England Primary School

School Meals

At Keston Church of England Primary School, children are able to have a healthy school meal (provided by The Pantry) or bring a healthy packed lunch to school. 

Children have the choice between a meat,  vegetarian, jacket potato or tomato pasta  option each day. KS2 children can also choose a baguette with either cheese, ham or tuna. (egg, cheese & tuna on Friday)

Lunches are provided free of charge for Reception, Year 1 and 2 through the Universal Free School Meal scheme.

KS2 children will also get a free school meal for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years as part of the Mayor of London's funding. 

The Pantry are our school caterers, they operate a parent ordering system where you choose your child's meal daily, weekly or termly. The deadline for lunch to be ordered or amended is 9am. Please cancel your child's order if your child is absent from school.

Please click here for the current menu

Free School Meals

School meals are free to those in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 through the Universal Free School Meal scheme. However you may be eligible to apply for funding called the Pupil Premium grant. By applying for Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) you could earn an extra £1320 for our school that will contribute to a range of interventions depending on your child's needs.

You can apply for Free School Meals in the following ways:

  • The preferred method is to apply for free school meals using the link below to the Bromley council website and click on apply online: 

Free School Meal - Online Application Form

  • Alternatively click on the links below to download the application form and notes and then return the completed form to the school office

Free School Meals - Download Application Form