Year 5
It is very exciting in Upper Key Stage 2. As well as covering lots of interesting topics in our lessons, we also have our 2-night residential trip to Bowles to look forward to in May!
Here are some of the exciting things we will be covering this year:
- The Ancient Maya Civilisation
- Anglo Saxons and Vikings
- The Slave Trade
- Earth and Space
The aim is to consolidate and support work covered within the class.
There will be an English task, Maths task and 10 spellings each week. All homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. Spelling tests will be on a Thursday morning.
Year 5 have access to a huge range of books that they are allowed to take home and read. Please encourage your child to read and discuss their books with you each night. Please make sure their Reading Record Card is dated once your child has finished the book.
Now that the children are in Year 5 they are allowed to bring backpacks to school.
For any further information about Year 5, please contact me at
The Year 5 Team
Mrs Satulenko (Class Teacher)
Mrs Gardner (Teaching Assistant)
Knowledge Organisers
My Region and the Western United States