Keston Church of England Primary School

The School Day

The importance of being in school every day on time is paramount to our pupil's great learning outcomes.

As part of our Safeguarding Policy, if your child arrives at school after 8:50am, please register them at the school office.

Should your child be unwell, please inform the school office by 9:00am on the first morning of absence.

08:30 School Office opens 
08:40 School gates open, children go straight to their classes for a “soft start” and registration. Children complete Early Morning Activities. 

School gates close. All late entrants must enter via the School Office and sign in. 

ABSENCE: should your child be unable to come to school, please e-mail or phone 01689 858399 by 8:50am at the latest.

09:00 Lessons commence 
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Lessons
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00 Afternoon registration 
14:50 Worship 
15:20 End of the school day. KS1 children to be collected from their classrooms, KS2 children are dismissed from the front of the school. 
15:20-16:20 Activity Clubs (please refer to club guidelines for individual times by clicking here
16:30 School Office closes 
18:00 School premises locked